நன்றாக குரு வாழ்க குருவே துணை
This Sunday on 8th of May, The Guru Peyarchi is going to happen. Now Guru is moving from Meena (Pisces) to Mesha (Aries). 8th May . 2011 as per Vakkiya Panchang and 6th May. 2011 as per Thirukanitha (Mathematical) Panchang.
Guru Peyarchi effect for each rasi (frm 8.5.2011 - 17.5.2012) will be as follows:
Mesham (Aries) - Health deteriorate.. Diseases Galore.. Problem in Family... Income increase during second half. Guru has come to your house. Janma Guru. Need to be very careful with your health. Problem within family. Income = Expenses. After 21.12.2011 to 16.5.2012, with the help of Shani, you can breath better. People of Mesha must do some Guru pariharas to reduce the effect to a tolerable level.. .
Rishabam (Taurus) - Expenses mount, Its double trouble:: Guru will be in 12th sthanam (Viraya Sthanam), expenses will increase beyong your reach. Loss in business or problem with superior are on the cards. Mainly the entire guru peyarchi period will make you spend on useless things and/or unnecessary expenses. -
Mithunam (Gemini) - Guru Bring Cheers .. kanna, innoru laddoo thinna aasaiyaa?: Unlike last year (2010-11), when Guru was in 10th house (Jeevana Sthanam) you might have had a troublesome life, this year Guru Peyarchi (May 2011) will bring cheers to your life, as guru is moving to 11th house (Labha Sthanam). Profits increases, Promotions & increments are on cards. Movable & immovable things on your way. .
Katagam (Cancer) - Life & Career at Stake (Risky year ahead) :: Guru will be in 10th sthanam (Jeevana Sthanam), you may have tough time in running your family. Problem for employees. Problem for businessman. Without Parihara and prayers to Guru , life will become miserable.
Simham (Leo) - Profit first, Prudence later: Unlike last year (2010-11), when Guru was in 8th house (Ashtama Guru, Ayul Sthanam) your health deteriorates, stumble in every attempt & expenses were beyond reach. Now, Guru has come to 9th place (Bhakya Sthanam) which will bring profits and rewards. Also, long pending subha kariyam is in the offing. Many good things are on the cards.-
Kanni (Virgo) - Health deteriorate.. Relationship sore.. Expense mount:: Astama Guru (Guru in eight place) which is your ayul Stanam is not good especially for your health. Medical expenses will mount. Life is at risk for few. Relationship will take a beating. Better be insured as early as possible. Again we request people who born in Kanni (virgo) to appease Guru either through chanting Guru gayatri or by doing pariharas. -
Thulam (Libra) - Blissful happy time ahead: Unlike last year (2010-11), when Guru was in 6th house (Roha Sthanam) you might have had diseases, aches, peaceless life with shortage of money. Now, Guru is going to 7th House (Kalathra Sthanam) life will be more blissful and exultant
Viruchigam (Scorpio) -Diseases Galore, Medical expenses mount, Shortfall in funds:: Guru in 6th place (Roha Sthanam) is not good especially for your health. Diseases galore. New disease will come. Medical expenses will mount. Worries multiply. Relationship sore. Friends will become foe. Better be insured as early as possible. Guru Pariharam, prayers are a must.
Dhanur (Sagittarius) - Delightful & distinguished year ahead. : The year gone by (2010-11), when sore relationship with extended family members, moderate income, reputation plummeted since guru was in 4th house (Thai Veedu). Now he has come to 5th house (Poorva punya / Puthra Sthanam) you are going to add one more member to your family and income will increase beyond expectation. Delightful year ahead. Just Enjoy…
Makaram (Capricon) - Better than Last year but not the best one.: Guru (Jupiter) in 4th house (Thai veedu) is not all that good and not very bad either as you had already passed a quiet year. Income will slightly increase. Relationship may not be ideal, but improved a lot. Mother's health will have a beating.
Kumbam (Aquarius) - Unimpressive and multiple failures. Defeat in attempts. : Guru in 3rd place (Sahothara Sthanam) is not good especially in business and career. Less Money inflow, hurdles in attempts, Career loss. Worries multiply. Relationship sore.
Meenam (Pisces) - Its 50 Fifty ::: Better first half; bad in the second. Unlike last year (2010-11), when Guru was in Janma sthanam you might had sleepless worry-some nights, Expenses were beyond reach, diseasespeaceless life with shortage of money. Now, Guru is coming to 2nd House (Dhana Sthanam) where you can earn more and cover the loss suffered last year. -
Please Note: Eventhough, Guru stays in a rasi for approximately a year, he used to take advance course (adhissaram) and come back again. But he is not taking an re-course and come back to Meena Rasi (Pisces) after 8th May 2011.
Hence, almost all Guru peyarchi predictions this time is published for a limited period. i.,e. 21st nov. 2010 to 7th May 2011. Guru will be in Mesha from 7th may 2011 to May 2012. Hence, predictions will be updated during april 2011.
(Note : The Above written article was taken by search on Internet. மேலே குறிபிட்டுள்ள அனைத்தும் பொதுவான பலனே.தங்களின் ராசிகேற்ப பலன்களை தெரிந்த ஜோசியர் மூலம் அறியவும்.)